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Show off your startup to investors

What is Plume?

Plume is the first link you send to potential investors and acts a gateway to the inner workings of your business.

Think of Plume as a specialized "Linktree for startups" and a way to show off your business to investors, accelerating the process of raising capital.

Keep scrolling to see a Plume page in action

As a startup looking for investors you will be expected to have some common information available to share. Plume helps you to organize this information and present it in a clear and concise way that can be shared from your first contact.

Investors, our value proposition for you is to accelerate the decision making process. By having this key information up front you can (hopefully) choose to take a meeting and dive deeper into the details.

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Product demo

You are already on a Plume page, but for other businesses a short video of the product in action can be a great way to show off your business and clarify what it does.

Note: this button is just an example, it comes back to this Plume

See a Plume in action

Get to know the team

Especially at the early stage, investors invest in people. Show off your team and highlight their experience.

There is/should be a slide in the deck, but a short (1 minute) video introducing the founders is even better.

Yes, the Ycombinator application was part inspiration for this.

  • Ewan Jones

    Founder & CEO

    Fullstack engineer with experience growing and leading teams.

    Previously founded a SaaS marketplace (shut down) and a CO₂ removal platform.

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More sign-ups increase our chances at raising capital and the probability of our success.

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